Remembering March of 1979, I will never forget being in elementary school in Mt. Wolf, when the Principal came into our room and closed all of the curtains to “keep the radiation for getting in.”  Later that same day, my Mom picked me and my siblings up and took us home for what would be an extended vacation from school.  Upon getting home, our uncle from Texas called and asked why we hadn’t evacuated yet as their news indicated a nuclear meltdown was fast approaching in central PA.  Ironically, during the highest exposure period, we actually walked to school, just as we did every day.  Not long after the accident, the movie “The China Syndrome” played at the Mt. Wolf Theatre.

our uncle from Texas called and asked why we hadn’t evacuated yet

Finally, I remember when our relatives- Aunt Be, who was pregnant at the time, was one of many expectant mothers who were urged to leave the area during the accident.  It was around this time that my Mom thought we could be evacuated too and she told us each to take a small box and place the most important items we had into it as we wouldn’t have room in the Ford Pinto for many belongings.  As an 11 year old, my box included a pocket knife, Boy Scout Handbook, some ribbons from swim meets, family photos and Confederate and Union “currency” from a recent Gettysburg trip.  Interesting what you value at the time, but to this day, I still have that box and have added to it over the years.