My home was in Middletown. My parents and brother still lived there. My husband and I hadn’t celebrated our first wedding anniversary yet. We were living in Highland Park, Camp Hill.

Anywhere you went in the town, there was a camera in your face.

I’m an RN. I was working in the ICU/CCU Unit at Holy Spirit Hospital. People were panicking and leaving town. All of my nursing coworkers and I would try to reach patients’ doctors for problems and orders. The Medical Bureau would answer and tell us that the doctor we were trying to reach had left town. When we’d ask which doctor was covering for that doctor’s patient, we were told no one. Patients’ family members couldn’t be reached.

cows were dropping over in the fields and people and objects were “glowing”

Middletown was teaming with news reporters. Anywhere you went in the town, there was a camera in your face. My husband was working at Hershey Medical Center and had the same experience there. Finally, he and I had a couple of days off and we travelled to his parents’ house near McConnellsburg, just to get some peace. The residents in that area were asking us how badly things were back in the Harrisburg area. They were hearing that cows were dropping over in the fields and people and objects were “glowing”.

It was just a nightmare dealing with the craziness!
