I lived in Hershey and worked at the Capital ( House of Rep) at the time of the accident.
I was at work at my desk & received a call from a friend who was in in Erie, PA. She asked if I was evacuating. No one on our office knew about anything. People started running around trying to leave. My husband at the time worked at the auditor general’s office & he picked me up which took awhile because people were running and drivers were panicked.
The sky darkened & it was really windy. We had to go home to Hershey to pick up our 13 month old baby girl. We tried to drive to Erie but were caught in major traffic so leaving was slow.
Once in Erie I tried to get checked for radiation exposure but the county health department seemed to dismiss potential problems. I left my child with family in Erie & returned to work but quit my job within 2 months & relocated to Erie after finding I was pregnant. Husband remained in Harrisburg. That child was born 4 months premature weighing 2lbs 2oz. He survived but was in hospital his first 3 months. My marriage did not survive the separation.
I moved back to Hershey in 2007 & remain here working for the Commonwealth.