We were scheduled to be married in Lancaster on April 7th.  Then TMI happened at the end of March.

We didn’t know if we’d have a wedding—we weren’t sure we’d still have a town to have it in. As a backup plan, we got a second marriage license in Maryland. Formal evacuation had not been announced, but people were running red lights to get out of town, and there was quite literally a run on the local banks.  When my future husband went to withdraw cash, he told the teller it was for our honeymoon; the teller told him he’d already heard that one today.

the teller told him he’d already heard that one today

Our wedding reception was scheduled at F&M, and the school evacuated. Not a bad thing, as it turned out: the local staff was still available, and we got a larger, nicer reception room due the fact that there were no students on campus who needed to use that room. Friends from all over stayed in touch, all ready for any news or change of venue.

A college girlfriend who was living in Texas was warned against coming, since she would be flying right over Three Mile Island.  “Holly’s getting married,” she said. “I’m not going to miss it.”

The wedding went on as scheduled.  No one missed it—except one friend who was a student at F&M who’d been sent home.

Holly and John