In 1979 we lived just outside Atglen, PA in the westernmost part of Chester County. We heard about the accident at TMI but what should we do? It was unusually warm and windy. Were we within the path of the wind from the river? I became more anxious so I grabbed a rake and began spring cleanup until a friend phoned that they were leaving for Vermont. I was 6 months pregnant with my first child.

Those thoughts changed once we listened to Walter Cronkite on TV

We joined the group and left that day. We phoned my husband’s parents and sister. My sister-in-law too was pregnant but only 3 months along. We left but were sure we would return. Those thoughts changed once we listened to Walter Cronkite on TV from Vermont. We realized how much of a meltdown occurred, dairies pouring out the days milk, people unable to take their cash out of their bank. I thought of all the babies things left behind.

The nurse responded “this is a new one, because of that accident.”

We returned 1 week later but the accident stayed with us. My daughter was born on June 28, 1979, healthy and lively. As we were leaving our room in Lancaster General Hospital, my daughter having passed her tests, a nurse came in to do one more test. I said she had passed all her tests. The nurse responded “this is a new one, because of that accident.” I asked if we would get the results but she didn’t know.

Our beloved pediatrician, Dr. Ross tried to get the information from LGH but was never successful.

About 2 years later, we learned that our nephew was to have surgery at LGH because one of his kidneys had shriveled and must be removed. Remember his mother was just 3 months pregnant on March 28, 1979.

We never did find out the results of the assumed thyroid test given to our daughter. Thankfully she is today a mother of a healthy daughter. We would still like to know the test results.
