When TMI was happening, I worked at Montgomery Ward in the York Mall.

On this night during the crisis, we were locking up and a group of squad cars pulled up to the store.  Police got out of the cars and started to knock on the locked doors.   The store manager opened the doors for them, took them to the hardware section where they gathered up chain and left.   We found out later the chain was to be used to evacuate the prisoners at the jail.   We were concerned.  What did that mean for us?

and then he goes “April Fools!”

Needless to say, we were all freaked out and decided to go to the Ramada Inn for some drinks that night after we finished closing up.  There was a DJ, we were listening to music, have drinks, trying to forget what we saw when the DJ gets up to the microphone and says “the Governor has just announced there is to be an immediate evacuation. Please return to your homes to prepare.”   The place went quiet, we were all staring at him and then he goes “April Fools!”  It had just turned 12:01,  April 1st and he thought this was the funniest thing.

Initially, all you heard was the sound of glasses, mugs, banging down on the table.   I’m amazed that DJ left in one piece.   It was a scary night.
