I was attending Spring Grove Intermediate School. I remember we were not able to go outside that day because it was cold, cloudy, and drizzly. I had just finished class and was headed to the cafeteria for lunch then on to shop class.

I bumped into my friend Todd in the lunch line. Todd informed me he heard that something had happened and there would be a special announcement just after our next class started.

I was surprised to see my mothers old station sitting in our driveway with the back hatch open.

Soon the next bell rang and I left the cafeteria to grab my books at my locker for my next class. Then I headed to my industrial shop class. I took my seat and the bell rang our teacher immediately addressed the class. He informed us that in a few minutes the principle would make a special announcement.

About five minutes later our principal came on the PA system. He explained that school would be closing early that day. He instructed us to proceed to our lockers and collect our personal items and jackets. We were then to report to our homeroom classes, attendance would be taken then we would wait for our buses to arrive.

About fifteen minutes later I was back in my homeroom weighting for my bus number to be called.

Soon I was sitting next to Todd on our bus heading home. Todd and I disused getting together later that evening to do something together.

it was the look on my mother’s face that scared me the most.

When the bus pulled up in front of my house I was surprised to see my mothers old station sitting in our driveway with the back hatch open. She was standing next to it in her rain jacket.

My mother worked for York County at Pleasant Acres so she rarely got off early even in bad weather. This was my first indication of a problem.

As my sisters and I got off the bus mom called us over to the car. She immediately told us to go into the house zip up our sleeping bags. We were then to put all of our clothing into our sleeping bags and bring them out to the car and load them in. She explained we might be leaving for a vacation. When I asked she said we might be going to our grandfather’s cabin located near Caledonia State Park west of Gettysburg.

I remember the feeling of fear that came over me at that time. It was not the events that bothered me as a child it was the look on my mother’s face that scared me the most.

After the packing was done we sat down for a quick dinner and mom started listening to the radio.

If the president was there it could not be too bad

I do not remember exactly how many days we had off from school. I think it was only one and a half days. However, I do remember the press conference given by our governor and him saying he had been ashore by the operators of TMI that there was not a problem. Then he came back on and ordered the evacuations and shelter in place orders. I also remember the next day or so news showing the empty streets around Middletown and Steelton-Highspire area.

I remember being kept inside and close to home the next three to five days. I remember Mom listening to the radio almost continuously and watching every special report on TV as they happened.

I remember President Carter coming along with his wife Rosalynn to see for themselves what was going on. I remember how much better seeing them made me. If the president was there it could not be too bad he would not be allowed to put himself into a dangerous a situation.

I do not remember if this is real, but I swear I remember President Carter waving to the camera in some kind of bright yellow boots.
