I am an award winning Enamelist who has lived and worked in the area for many years.

I was living in Boiling Springs at the time of the accident, and listened to WITF for days during the event. It is forever etched into my brain.

From 2008 to 2010, I was working on pieces that denoted environmental destruction, and did 2 enamel plates of the Three Mile Island Cooling Towers. One of them was given an award in the 2011 International Juried Exhibition of the Enamelist Society. In 2018 it was shown in an invitational exhibition in Taiwan and after returning home was exhibited in the Richmond Art Center in Oakland, CA. You can see an image of the piece as well as its sister piece on my website: enamelist.com.

Click on “Galleries” and then “Environmental Gallery

You will see images on fracking, air pollution,etc., but the cooling towers will be obvious as you click through the pieces.

plate of the Three Mile Island Cooling Towers.

The Taiwan exhibition was titled: Place as Landscape, Place as Concept:

Contemporary Enameling in the U.S. It was shown at the National Taiwan Craft Research & Development Institute.

