I was living in Dover Twp when the accident happened. My 5 year old was playing outside at the time. I was working from my beauty salon at my home when a client came in and saw I had the window open and she said, “Haven’t you been listening to the news?” TMI exploded and they want everyone to stay inside! And you are pregnant! Get your son in!” So I listened, followed directions..and did not panic for a couple days.

I must go to the bank to get money

Then I went to a friend’s baby shower and she said, “Are you leaving?”  I said, Where are we to go?  Are you?  And she said, “Yes, to New Jersey.”

That night my Canadian family called and said, “Come here!” I said I must go to the bank to get money.  So Monday morning I went to the bank and stood in line with more panicked people to pull out our meager savings. By the time my husband came home from work the news came on there was no longer a scare…so at that time I figured we had withstood the worse.

For years later, I received forms to fill out on the health of my daughter who was born in June 1979.
