Wednesday the 28th, walking to my mailbox and realizing what a beautiful spring day.

Phone call with Nelda Shue about auxiliary concerns and she mentions “an accident at TMI.” I can see the towers when I cross the street and look north.

Thursday, Friday – don’t remember

Saturday, Thrift Shop duty and surprised that no one seemed to be overly concerned.

Sunday, April Fool’s Day and I begin to consider the severity. I start to pack suitcase for the grandmother’s in case they decide they want to leave. Not sure where we’d go as who knew where the winds would blow.  John was staying here for work at the hospital. Andrew only son in town. Paul at Mercersburg and Stephen at college in NH.

Truly thought this is how it ends

The college volleyball squad canceled their tip to University of Pennsylvania for a tournament. Previously he’d written asking me about a local “environmental problems” in our area. His class was asked to report on various community concern over the environment. I had begun to check newspapers…low and behold, I thought now I can contribute and he’ll “scoop” the class for sure…IF the newspapers are able to print/stay open. The mail service continues to operate and I can gather enough material in a short , and maybe limited time.

I have a large manila envelope on my kitchen floor culling the important news and cutting articles when the lights go out! Next, sirens are wailing, no local indications on the radio. Truly thought this is how it ends and he’ll never get this mail.  Long story short, a car had hit a nearby utility pole and the ambulance/fire crews were on their way.

He did receive the envelope and as March 4, 2019 does not remember any remarkable response to his report or his grade.

Used to be a tourist site for guests

As a family we seemed to accept the inevitable. We didn’t see The China Syndrome until years later. Realized that everyone was in the dark about safety and ramifications.

As a Cub Scout troop in the early 70’s we toured Peach Bottom in southern York County and were impressed although the adults remarked that the reassurances…strong reassurances made us a little skeptical. Yet look at Peach Bottom today.

I also toured TMI  as part of an environmental group in the mid 80’s, women n from the medical auxiliary LWV, AAUW, an awesome and informative experience.  I was grateful President Carter preceded us and look at him today!

The trees have grown and so my view of the towers is obscured.  Used to be a tourist site for guests, now few acquaintances even know the significance of TMI.