
In 1979 I was a relatively new vocational teacher (now CTE) working at Carlisle Area School District.

I met my wife at the school and we were married in 1977, both of us pursuing master’s degrees at the time. I mention that because that Thursday, my wife Pam had left for a biology course in Chincoteague, so I was alone with our dog.

I believe it was Friday night that the building principal called an emergency faculty meeting to let us know that Carlisle was in the first ring of evacuation. He and Civil Emergency management folks explained that the library, schools and churches in the Carlisle area were about to be used for folks very near to TMI to relocate to.


They proceeded to distribute assignments for the faculty to take care of what were to become our new visitors. Most of the younger male teachers drew security detail assignments to prevent people from taking things from one another while on cots in our gym and cafeteria. In particular, I drew the midnight to 8 shift which was to start that coming weekend.

We had no cell phones so there was no way to contact my wife. We listened to the radio to determine our next steps both as a school community and as individuals.

I remember learning that a very large portion of the US population (something like 75%) would be in danger if TMI blew. I had a cousin in TX but I couldn’t abandon my wife (in VA) and didn’t want to shirk my civil duty … and what about the dog?

I just remember that it was a very tense time … fortunately a major meltdown did not came to pass!
